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Report from Nicaragua Part 3

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The most startling discovery VSI found in Managua, was Colectivo de Mujeres, ITZA. The NGO is a collaborative of 31 shelters all dealing with a level domestic violence. ITZA is producing professional literature for educating women and children, which is used in schools, small groups, health clinics, women’s support center, volunteer training, and domestic violence shelters. The ITZA board members and VSI met to discuss common goals and challenges facing Nicaragua and the United Stated. VSI asked to become part of the collaboration and for VSI to actively seek resources and other NGOs to expand their efforts.

As founder of Victims Services International I am pleased at the progress we have made in the first year in Central America. There is still so much to do, in Central America, as there is in the United States. Please continue to support our efforts and tell everyone you know to join with us.

Read part 1 of this three part series by clicking here.

Read part 2 of this three part series by clicking here.

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