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New Collaboration in Nicaragua

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Victims Services International has successfully laid the groundwork for two NGOs to join together. Barry Greer went to Nicaragua in December 2013 to determine the need for a domestic violence shelter and to build community involvement. Barry did find multiple NGOs coming to the aid of families, particularly women and children who are in abusive relationships. One of the goals of VSI is to create working relations of NGOs who are already in the community as well as bringing new NGOs into communities to serve. After meeting with thee board of Colectivo de Mujeres Barry suggested a collaboration with North Country Mission of Hope. The Colectivo de Mujeres in Nicaragua and The North Country Mission of Hope from New York are meeting and collaborating efforts to protect women and children from abuse.


Each of the NGOs bring unique assets to the table. VSI looks forward to adding other NGOs stories and educational information to their website. Please keep encouraging us and sending your comments, suggestions, and gifts to VSI and the NGOs who are giving a voice to victims of domestic violence.


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