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Jomada de Reflexion sobre Violencia de Genero


Where do we begin? How do we stop the killing and abuse of our families, loved ones, and neighbors? Victims Services, VSI, believes the answer is Creating a Network of Small Support Groups throughout communities in Central America.

VSI was recently invited to Costa Rica to participate in “Jomada de Reflexion sobre Violencia de Genero”, to discuss what Costa Rica is currently doing to protect women and children. Barry Greer met with the presenters from ASSIT and the staff from the United States Embassy staff.

In the picture, Barry Greer, Victims Services International, Sylvia Cabezas, US Consulate Lawyer Advisor, Oscar Avila, Cultural Affairs Officer.


4 thoughts on “Jomada de Reflexion sobre Violencia de Genero”

    1. Thanks William, I know it really hasn’t been that long since I got things started but it seems like forever. So we need to catch up!

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