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Fundación Juan Pablo II

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picturesSince December 2009 The Fundación Juan Pablo II has changed the lives of more than 320 women and their families. The Fundacion Juan Pablo II gives women the tools to improve their self-esteem, and a new sense of person value. Opportunity to become self-sufficient economically and emotionally, learn employable skills, advance their education, were only dreams of these women, and now are realities.

pictures2In May 2010 the Foundation received a donation of a 4500 MT2 building. Renovation of 650MT2 was completed through volunteers from The North Country Mission of Hope. The Mission of Hope also brought shipping containers of medical and office equipment to change an abandon structure into a medical clinic for people of the community that would otherwise not receive medical attention.

On January 15, 2014 the doors opened to the community providing 2 child birth classes, home services for the sick, and physical therapy. Services offered at offered at reduced prices:

Pediatrics, gynecology, general practitioner, and a psychologist

picture3Ultrasounds, lab work, vaccines, and nebulizers

In the words of Johanna, the spokesperson for Fundacion Juan Pablo II, “With the help of the Lord, we will continue to grow providing more medical services for an underserved economically challenged community.”

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